Reinventing Infrastructure with Crypto Economics

DePIN replaces the traditional model of infrastructure management by utilizing blockchain technology to provide unparalleled security and efficiency. In this introduction, we will explore the concept of DePIN, its implications for infrastructure security, and how this technology brings significant changes in managing and securing critical infrastructure assets.

Experience a Decentralized Internet with our Cryptnet devices

Our Smart hotspot and network devices allow users to mine the Cryptnet Network Token ($CRYPTNET) while sharing their internet connection. With the dual SIM feature, users can switch between internet service providers seamlessly and conveniently for high speed connection.



Zynx is a small battery-powered device that can maintain up to 50 concurrent client connections. This CryptnetOS 4G mini modem device supports mobile power function.

Allows connectivity of 50 concurrent users
Covers a distance of about 100m
Cryptnet (Cryptnet Network Token) Mining Enabled


Spider is a high-capacity device without an internal battery and can maintain upto 70 concurrent client connections. This device is designed to provide users with3G/4G high-speed internet access in most countries in the world.

Allows connectivity of 70 concurrent users
Covers a distance of about 200m
Cryptnet (Cryptnet Network Token) Mining Enabled


Giganet is a high capacity device without an internal battery and can maintain up to 500 concurrent client connections. This product is designed to provide users with 3G/4G high-speed of up to 1GB Internet access for most countries and operators in the world..

Allows connectivity of 500 concurrent users
Covers a distance of about 500m
Cryptnet (Cryptnet Network Token) Mining Enabled

Short Tutorial to buy Cryptnet

CA : 0x3EaA5A0390d9Ad614f5075DD02f8C7197B07434F


Connect Your Wallet

Access your preferred cryptocurrency wallet that supports the purchase of Cryptnet tokens.


Choose Your Desired Amount

Once your wallet is connected, specify the amount of Cryptnet tokens you wish to purchase.


Hold Your Token

Upon successful purchase, your Cryptnet tokens will be transferred to your wallet.